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LKS playground project


Please join the Leonard Kirtz School in helping us raise funds to build an ALL abilities playground at the school. Thank you!

Family Information Series


Join us for this free seminar covering important topics! March 24, 2021 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Santa Claus - Want Ad

Santa Claus - Want Ad

One of our LKS classes created a wonderfully creative ad looking for a Holly Jolly Elf to fill the role of Santa Claus. Please take a look at the ad and see if you or anyone you know fits the bill!

Important COVID-19 vaccination information

Important COVID-19 vaccination information

Please see this important message from our Community Services Director, Emily Martinez.

A message from Superintendent Whitacre

A message from Superintendent Whitacre

Please read this important message regarding COVID-19