Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Annual Organizational Meeting
Date: January 28, 2019
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: Leonard Kirtz School
Call to order
Roll Call:
- Mr. Gary G. O’Nesti: Present
- Mrs. Marilee Meloy: Absent
- Mrs. Jodi Kale: Present
- Mr. Peter Noll: Absent
- Mrs. Andrea Patton: Present
- Mr. Joseph Pecchia: Present
- Mr. Charles Holden: Present
Declaration of Eligibility Form
President O’Nesti requests that each Board member review and sign the Conflict of Interest Declaration document in your Board packets, this declaration is required pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 5126.024.
Adopt a motion to accept the recommendation of the 2019 Nominating Committee as presented at the December 17, 2018 meeting of the Board by Chairperson, Mr. Holden as:
- President: Mr. Gary G. O’Nesti
- Vice President: Mr. Peter Noll
- Recording Secretary: Mrs. Marilee Meloy
Mr. Holden
Mr. Pecchia
Roll Call:
- Mrs. Meloy:
- Mrs. Kale: Aye
- Mr. Noll:
- Mrs. Patton: Aye
- Mr. Pecchia: Aye
- Mr. Holden: Aye
- Mr. O’Nesti: Aye
The President declares the motion:
Adopt a motion to establish the third Monday of each month starting in March 2019, at 6:00 pm as the day and time for Board meetings and December at 5:00 pm The February meeting will be the fourth Monday due to the Presidents Day holiday. There is no meeting of the Board in July. All meetings will be held at Leonard Kirtz School.
Mrs. Patton
Mrs. Kale
Roll Call:
- Mrs. Kale: Aye
- Mr. Noll:
- Mrs. Patton: Aye
- Mr. Pecchia: Aye
- Mr. Holden: Aye
- Mr. O’Nesti: Aye
- Mrs. Meloy:
The President declares the motion:
Committee Appointments
President O’Nesti makes the following appointments for committees: Tabled until the February meeting.
Board In-Service Requirement:
It is noted that the Board members are required to complete four (4) hours of in-service continuing education, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 5126.0210.
Adopt a motion to adjourn the Organizational Meeting.
Mrs. Kale
Mr. Holden
Roll Call:
- Mr. Noll:
- Mrs. Patton: Aye
- Mr. Pecchia: Aye
- Mr. Holden: Aye
- Mr. O’Nesti: Aye
- Mrs. Meloy:
- Mrs. Kale: Aye
The President declares the motion:
6:07 pm