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Community Services

Services, Supports and Resources Coordinated by the MCBDD

  1. MCBDD staff will work with individuals and families to determine eligibility for supports. Assessments and documentation are collected at this time.
  2. Our SSA's then use our assessment tool to learn more about the individual's strengths and desires. Using this tool, we create a person-centered ISP, coordinating supports and services based on what is important to that individual.
  3. Taking an individual's budget and personal preferences into account, the SSA's will then assist the individual in choosing a provider, as outlined in their ISP document.
  4. Once our SSA's have determined the strengths and desires of the individual, they use this information to connect the individual to a variety of resources and supports. These include everything from recreational activities to employment opportunities.
  5. An individual's budget for services is based on a person's assessed needs and disability. Their ISP contains a self-directed budget to pay for services and supports that considers earnings, federal Medicaid dollars (if eligible) and state or local dollars from MCBDD's operating levy.
  6. The MCBDD ensures the health and safety of individuals in a number of ways, including provider compliance, QARN or Quality Assessment Registered Nurse, continued coordination of services and monitoring and the investigation of any major unusual incidents unusual incidents.

MCBDD listens to what is important to people and connects them to the right-fit supports and resources, such as day programs, community employment services, natural supports, and residential and transportation services. Services are provided by both the MCBDD and a network of quality providers.

Click HERE to learn more about what our Community Services Department can do for you!

Valuable Partnerships

The MCBDD Community Services Department is honored to announce our partnership with Project Making Kids Count (MKC).  Through this partnership we are able to supply diapers and wipes to families in need.  Please click the link to view the Project MKC website.

Ohio ISP information