Wait List
The Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities has been working closely over the past year with county boards across the state of Ohio, the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, and persons served to address issues with the current Ohio Waiver Waiting List. These issues included the fact that a large percentage of people on the waiting list had no current, unmet need, but instead were on the list in anticipation of a waiting period to address long-term needs. This has resulted in the adoption of an updated version of the Waiting List Rule by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities that will take effect on September 1, 2018 and includes the adoption of a standardized statewide waiting list assessment tool.
It is important to us at Mahoning DD that you fully understand the changes taking place and how those changes may or may not affect you. In short, the primary objective of the transition is to identify people with a current need for supports and to connect them with resources or alternative services that will meet their unique assessed need(s). This will not only be a consistent statewide approach, it will also help the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and Mahoning DD to more effectively plan to meet current and future needs for individuals.
We understand that transition and change can be confusing. Therefore, to simplify the process for you, Mahoning DD has identified and trained staff in the intake department who will primarily focus on assessing our Waiting List in the most precise and time-efficient manner possible. This person will be in contact with you to complete the waiting list assessment, to review the outcome and to discuss how these changes may affect you. For additional information about the new Waiting List rule, you can also visit www.fixthelist.info.
We are encouraged by the feedback we have received throughout this process and look forward to a more organized approach to meeting your needs and the needs of those you care about. Of course, if at any time you have questions or concerns, you can contact Mahoning DD.
If you were on the waiting list under the old rule, you are now on a transitional waiting list until an assessment is completed.
Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities will be contacting you and, using the waiting list assessment tool, we will determine if you have an Immediate Need, Current Need, or No Unmet Needs. If it is determined that you have no unmet needs at this time, you will be removed from the waiting list.
Immediate Need: a situation that creates risk of substantial harm to an individual, caregiver, or another person if action is not taken within 30 calendar days to reduce that risk.
Current Need: an unmet need for services within twelve months as determined by the County Board based upon assessment.
No Unmet Need: the outcome when it is determined by the County Board that no needs are unmet at this time.
Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities will be contacting you in writing with the outcome of your assessment. You also will be provided with resources that will assist you in understanding the results of your assessment.
In the event that you disagree with the outcome of your assessment, you have the right to appeal. You will be provided information on your right to Due Process.
If your needs change and you require a new assessment, please contact your Individual Support Coordinator.
The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities is developing a family portal on its website that will allow you to view your assessment. You may also request additional copies from your Individual Support Coordinator. If you would like to access the portal, please provide a current email address to your ISC so we can forward you the link to secure registration.