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Our Mission

Providing opportunities that maximize quality of life for people with disabilities through collaboration and connection to the community.

Our Vision

We envision a community of inclusivity where people with developmental disabilities can flourish and prosper.

Core Values C.A.R.E.

Person Centered

  • Collaboration – to ensure quality outcomes for individuals and families.
  • Advocacy – to assist individuals with developmental disabilities in achieving their dreams..
  • Responsibility –to take responsibility for the actions and duties we perform.
  • Education – to inform the public about resources available in our community.

If you have any comments regarding the draft 2025-2027 Strategic Plan, please email: 

Three Year Strategic Plan (PDF)

2023 Annual Report

Strategic Plan Tracker  

The Rights of Individuals with Disabilities

  • Be treated nicely at all times and as a person.
  • Have a clean safe place to live in and a place to be alone.
  • Have food that is good for you.
  • Be able to go, if you want, to any church, temple or mosque.
  • Be able to go to a doctor or dentist when you are sick.
  • Be able to have people help you with the way you walk, talk, do things with your hands, act or feel, if you need it.
  • Be able to have people help and teach you, if you want.
  • Be able to have time and a place to go to be by yourself.
  • Be able to call, write letters or talk to anyone you want about anything you want.
  • Be able to have your own things and be able to use them.
  • Be able to have men and women as friends.
  • Be able to join in activities and do things that will help you grow to be the best person you can be.
  • Be able to work and make money.
  • Be treated like everyone else.
  • Not be hit, yelled at, cursed at, or called names that hurt you.
  • Be able to learn new things, make friends, have activities to do, and go out in your community.
  • Be able to tell people what you want and be part of making plans or decisions about your life.
  • Be able to ask someone you want to help you, let others know how you feel or what you want.
  • Be able to use your money to pay for things you need and want with help, if you need it.
  • Be able to say yes or no before people talk about what you do at work or home or look at your file.
  • Be able to complain or ask for changes if you don’t like something without being afraid of getting in trouble.
  • Not be given medicine that you don’t need or held down if you are not hurting yourself or others.
  • To vote and learn about laws and your community.
  • To say yes or no to being part of a study or experiment.